Ingham Health Plan

Michigan County Health Plans are serving as a vehicle to provide access to organized systems of health care for the indigent uninsured and lower income persons without private or public health insurance.

Washtenaw Health Plan

Michigan County Health Plans are serving as a vehicle to provide access to organized systems of health care for the indigent uninsured and lower income persons without private or public health insurance.


CareHub serves as a vehicle to connect those in need - including infants, children, parents, families, caregivers and adults with chronic health conditions - to health and social service resources and programs to help better their lives and improve health.



The Michigan Quality Improvement Consortium (MQIC) is a collaborative effort to develop and implement common clinical guidelines and performance measures. MQIC participants include physicians and other personnel representing the Michigan HMOs along with the Michigan State Medical Society, the Michigan Osteopathic Association, the Michigan Association of Health Plans, the Michigan Peer Review Organization and Blue Cross Blood Shield of Michigan.


Chronic pain is defined as persistent pain, which can be either continuous or recurrent and of sufficient duration and intensity to adversely affect a patient’s well-being, level of function, and quality of life. Treatment of chronic pain is multi-factorial and often requires psychological assessment, antidepressants, counseling, and physical therapy that which are unavailable in the emergency department.


Examples of programs that allow Michigan residents to obtain some generic prescription medications free or at very low cost are listed. This is not an inclusive listing. Call local stores for details.