About Us

The Ingham Health Plan Corporation (IHPC) was established in 1998 and is a community based, not-for-profit organization that offers health care related programs to individuals and families in the community.

2111 University Park Dr Suite 100
Okemos MI 48864
Fax: 517-394-4590

Lori Noyer, MA

Executive Director


Lori is an Executive Director that provides leadership, guidance and direction while working beside the team at IHPC. It’s not about the role-always about the goal! Lori provides staff with the support & tools they need to fulfill the mission & vision of the Corporation. Lori has been with IHPC since 2013, first as a Project Coordinator for the Pathways Program and then promoted to the CareHub Program Manager. In her role as Executive Director, Lori has excelled at cultivating relationships with staff, colleagues, and the community. Lori says she enjoys working for IHPC because the programs and services positively impact the health of the community. When not working, you will find Lori running, watching Netflex with her husband and hanging out with her cat, Kona.

Tiffany Doolittle, RN, BSN, AE-C

Asthma Educator


Tiffany is the IHP Nurse with many areas of talent & passion. She is a certified Asthma Educator delivering home-visiting asthma education, while also providing clinical support to the 3,400 Ingham & Washtenaw Health Plan members. Tiffany defines success as being "captivated with purpose". If Tiffany wasn't here at IHP, her dream job would be to work for an international disaster relief organization or be a midwife in Haiti. Tiffany says she likes to work at IHP because the people that work here are the best and the work is meaningful. She enjoys helping people, whether going out visiting families to help them manage their asthma or assisting a member to get their needed medication. Tiffany is a true asset to IHP! Oh....and she is a wonderful gardener!

Angie Smieska

Operations Manager


Angie is our Operations Manager. She has been with Ingham Health Plan (IHP) for 6 years. Angie made her mark on the organization by starting as a Secretary, then advancing to a Project Support Specialist and Health Plan Coordinator and in January 2022 was promoted to the Operations Manager. Angie ensures all our health plan operations with members, providers, enrollment staff, and billers runs smooth. We couldn't run efficiently without her! She enjoys working for IHP because of the wonderful co-workers and consistently being challenged. Angie spends her free time watching and driving to her children's many sporting events. If she could learn anything, it would be a new language - Spanish! That would be an asset to our team. We better get her some Rosetta Stone lessons.

Arnesha Green

Program Support Specialist


IHPC welcomed Arnesha to our team in September 2018. She brings a wealth of medical billing & customer service knowledge spending many years at St. Mary's of Michigan in Saginaw. When Arnesha isn't processing IHP claims, she enjoys attending sporting events or cooking & baking. Her dream career would be a massage therapist. I think we should have her test that out on the other staff. Arnesha states "Working for a program that genuinely cares about the well being of their community speaks volumes and motivates me to wake up and come to work. I like working for IHPC because of what it stands for.... Also, the staff is wonderful & are passionate about the work they contribute to in making this program a success." 

Aleea Swinford

Community Health Worker


Aleea is our Community Health Worker & has been with IHPC since 2016. She provides a valuable service by assisting clients with connections to health & social services in the community. Aleea is motivated by her clients and coworkers. From the feedback we receive, the clients feel motivated by her also. Aleea spends her time outside of work with her animals & family or at the gym. Did you know she is the only member of her family to attend college! She likes working at IHPC because the team is so supportive. "We have a wonderful group of gals that get things done!"

Treya Dykstra-Swords

Outreach & Enrollment Specialist


Treya joined IHPC for a one year term as an AmeriCorps VISTA Member to assist the organization with Outreach & Enrollment activities and has stayed on to continue that work. Treya's favorite project has been calling all of the IHP members. She said her Spanish has always been pretty basic, as she lived in Guatemala for a year right after high school and hasn't practiced much since then. She really enjoys talking to people one-on-one and appreciates the patience of Spanish speakers with her learning process! Treya stated "IHPC has been a very nurturing environment for me. I began my AmeriCorps service year during the pandemic and still haven't met most of my coworkers. There are only seven of us and I've seen two in person. The people make any job, even if they aren't physically near you!" Treya is a big fan of mindfulness meditation. She is also a former silversmith and perpetual crafter.

Tania Acosta

Member Engagement Specialist


Tania is Tania is IHP's Member Engagement Specialist. She is originally from Mexico and knows first hand how language can be a barrier to accessing health care services. With her experiences and the ability to speak Spanish, she understands the challenges. She's available to connect with our members that speak Spanish as well as other Hispanic/Latino members that might need help understanding the IHP benefit. She will also be providing health education and help accessing resources in Spanish. In addition to supporting our existing members, she will also be focusing on enrolling new members into IHP. We are so grateful to have Tania as part of our team. She's only been with us since Jan 6, but she's already making a big impact. Ayuda en Espanol 517-336-3786.

Alexis Hutchinson

Community Health Worker


Alexis is the newest member of our IHPC team. She joined us in March of 2024 after spending the first seven years of her work life in sales. Alexis is hardworking and dedicated to reducing barriers for anyone, on and off the clock. Alexis has the lived experience that allows her to connect with clients on many levels and provide the utmost support. Alexis spends her time outside of work creating memories with her soon to be husband and her two, beautiful children. Alexis says “I enjoy working for IHPC not because I was a client myself at one time, but because I enjoy being a part of a team that demonstrates compassion and provides knowledge to our community members who need it most."

Isabelle Waurzyniak

MSU Social Work Intern


Isabelle is our social work intern. She is currently a senior at Michigan State University studying social work and women’s and gender studies. She is also in the process of completing a certificate in child, youth, and family services. Isabelle is passionate about helping others and is excited to be joining the IHP team. When she isn’t studying or observing, she loves spending time with her family and cat, Gabby, and crocheting.

Board of Directors

The Ingham Health Plan Corporation is a 501c3 Non-Profit Agency.

Nevin Brittain, President

Term ends May 2027

Health Numeric

Dale Thompson, Vice President

Term ends May 2025

McLaren Greater Lansing

Matt Nobis, Treasurer

Term ends May 2026

University of Michigan-Sparrow Health

Matt June, Secretary

Term ends May 2026


Janet Olszewski

Term ends May 2025

Immediate Past President

Michelle Loubert, DO

Term ends May 2026

Care Free Medical

Michelle Beebe

Term ends May 2026

Small Business Association of MI

Dean Sienko, MD

Term ends May 2026

Community Representative

Simar Pawar

Term ends Dec 2024

Ingham County Board of Commissioners

Rebecca Douglas

Term ends May 2026

Lansing School District

Justine Bell

Term ends May 2026


Kathy Stiffler

Term ends May 2027

Community Representative

Oscar Castaneda

Term ends May 2027

Community Representative

Tayo Moss

Term ends May 2027

Michigan Health Endowment Fund