Pathways to Better Health

Pathways to Better Health can help you connect to needed medical services (primary care, dental, mental health, other specialists) and social service supports (clothing, transportation, food, housing etc) to manage and improve your health.

A Community Health Worker is assigned to you. Working to improve your health can be hard. Navigating the health and social services system can be hard. Pathways to Better Health can help you reach your health goals.

Eligibility: Children or Adults with at least two chronic health conditions (like asthma, diabetes, depression, heart disease, etc.) with McLaren Medicaid or Ingham Health Plan.

Area Served: Reside in Ingham County or have Lansing address (Eaton County).   

Who visits: Community health workers

How does it work?

  • A Community Health Worker (CHW) comes to your home.
  • You can ask for help with any of the following:
    • Medical care
    • Dental Care
    • Eye Care
    • Hearing problems
    • Transportation
    • Health Insurance
    • Food
    • Clothing
    • Housing resources
    • Utility bills
    • Child care
    • Financial assistance
    • Education and employment
    • Legal questions
    • Domestic violence
    • Mental health care
    • Substance abuse treatment
    • And more 
  • CHW connects you to the medical services (primary care, dental, mental health, other specialists) and social service supports (clothing, transportation, food, housing etc)
  • CHW provides support, education and motivation for healthier lifestyles to manage health conditions
  • Pathways to Better Health provided at no-cost to you

To download a Pathways Rack Card as pdf: 2019 Pathways Rack Card


To get started, complete the intake form:

Get help today: 1-866-291-8691 or complete online Intake Form